What is Static, Dynamic and Ecommerce Website?

Static Website: Static Websites are non-editable websites. A static website only uses HTML coding and images to create website pages, so the cost of making a static website is not so high. The best way to start an online small business is with a static website.

Dynamic Website: Dynamic websites are editable websites. A dynamic website uses all editable content like text, images, banners, pricing, HTML code, and javascript. We can say it’s an interactive website between users and information. Dynamic websites use both client-side and server-side scripting languages such as JavaScript, ASP, PHP, Laravel, ReactJS, and NodeJS. Both Big and Small online businesses can use dynamic type websites.

But the question is: What is the cost of a static website in the USA? Or how much does a developer or a company charge for a static website?

Choose the best website package that is most relevant, beneficial, and cost-effective for your website.

So, here we have our best static website design plans:

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Features of Static Website:
1.       Static websites can be built easily in comparison to dynamic websites and e-commerce websites.
2.       Static websites are not editable websites. It’s unable to create dynamic content.
3.       Not a Security Issue, no database is involved so, no loss of data and code.
4.       Static website has good page loading time.
5.       It uses only HTML Code and Web designing knowledge to create static website Pages.
6.       Suitable for startup online businesses; or for those businessmen, who don’t need to make changes frequently, in the content of their website.

Features of Dynamic Website:
1.       Dynamic websites are large, complex but editable websites. But it’s easy to make.
2.       It provides a good interaction experience between the user and the information provided on the website.
3.       Dynamic website maintenance cost is less, as it is an editable website.
4.       If the owner has some knowledge of design and development then he can make modifications to his site on its own, without calling the developer.
5.       Complex sites can be made easily using a dynamic website.
6.       The main advantage of a dynamic website is that CMS (Content Management System) can be used to allow the owner to create and publish content on the website easily.

Features of E-Commerce Website:
1.       Ecommerce website is the online shop store for users.
2.       Any number of products can be added on ecommerce website.
3.       Ecommerce website is easy to content management capabilities.
4.       Shopping and discount coupon code are available.
5.       Multiple easy payment gateway (Credit card, PayPal, PO, COD) options are available.
6.       Blog or articles section can be integrated on ecommerce website.
7.       Ecommerce website is user and mobile friendly website.
8.       High-Resolution Photos & Video can be added on ecommerce website.
9.       Socially Available Proof-Brands and online sellers that connect with their buyers on an emotional level create brand trust and advocacy.

Which is Better? Static Website or Dynamic Website!

Both the sites are better in their own ways.
If you want to startup an online business and to have your website small, than choose static website design. As it provides you the great way of earning money online at low cost.

But, If your business is big; or complicated; or want to have multiple website page or need a E-commerce website, then we strongly recommend you to go for the dynamic website as it provides the ways to easily manage and update your site according to the user, products, Plugin, design or time requirement.

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